What does this project entail?
“Vacation as medication” is a research study in which we would like to gain more insight into the effects of vacation on symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Last year, a pilot study was conducted on this topic.
Why this project?
Many people feel better physically and mentally when they’re on vacation. We would like to examine if this is also the case for people with Parkinson’s disease. Also we would like to learn more about which factors reduce symptoms and which factors increase symptoms. We are curious to hear about your vacation experiences: have you noticed any differences in your Parkinson symptoms?

What will be expected of me?
If you decide to participate, you will receive an invitation by email to complete an online survey. Completing the survey will take you 20 minutes. You will have two weeks to fill out the survey.

Will I benefit from participating?
There will be no benefits for you participating in this research study. The results of the study will be used to explore what the effects of vacation are on the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. By filling out this survey, you are helping us gaining new insights into Parkinson’s disease. Because of this your participation is of great value to us.